Friday, December 13, 2013

Using our usual areas of assessment (tone, intonation, rhythm, technique, musicianship, etc.), discuss how you feel you MOST contributed to our performance and also discuss the area where you would like to make the most growth before our next performance.  The two areas must be DIFFERENT.
Post your response by Monday, 12/16.
Clearly state which area you are discussing--tone, intonation, rhythm, technique, or musicianship.
Use at least THREE specific examples from our concert music to show us how you contributed in the area you selected.  
For your area of growth, include THREE ways you feel you can achieve your goal before the next concert.  (Please note: “practice” is not an acceptable answer, because that is a given.  HOW are you going to practice?  What resources can you seek to help you reach your goals?  What questions do you have about your plan?)
Before next Tuesday (12/17), read everyone else’s responses and respond to two of them with cheerleading and/or practice tips based on their selected area of growth.  Respond to someone who has not received a response yet so everyone can receive some feedback.

Be respectful in your comments and interactions with others.